Category Archives: Wordless Wednesday

Lego Creation!

My oldest built this during naptime and while it may seem simple it isn’t;). This is a ship. The yellow bolts sticking out are guns (saw that coming) but it is the inside details that got me. There are little spigots for hot and cold water , a shelf for storage and odd looking seats. I just love how he thought of tiny details. So cute!

As a Deer Panteth

I went and visited my dad this weekend outside of San Antonio and there are deer everywhere. But they aren’t the giant ones I think about, they are kind of little and so cute! I even saw some wagging their tales as they ran! All I could think about every time I saw them was the Psalm the has “as the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee” (yes, that is King James). There was a song I love with that!

Too Much?

So I am uber boring but I want to break out;). So I saw this super cute flower for only $1 at Claire’s and I figured if I never got up the guts to wear it I could always give it to NerdPie. But I wore it today! My girlie side has been jumping out all over lately;). I haven’t worn a flower in my hair since 4th grade and they were on my bobby pins. So what do you think? Too much?