This week at church we sang “In Christ Alone” and I love this song. It is that constant reminder that Christ is where it all is. All my hopes, dreams, security, and faith should lie in Christ alone. Christ conquered death and there is no power on earth that can exceed his. So I went to find a video version of the song.
I came upon Christina Grimmie’s version on Youtube and I just started crying. For those of you who don’t know she was a singer who became popular on Youtube. She was killed last year after a concert and was only 22. It hit me that as I am hearing this song she is currently understanding it at a level I can not comprehend.
As Christians I think it is safe to say that we all think about Christ saving us and being in his presence. But I am honest, I can’t fully comprehend it and I am sure that when we are with him we will understand it more fully. I find that intimidating. The unknown of death is kind of just that. I know that I will be with Christ but I have know idea what that really means other than total peace and a joy that exceeds all understanding. The idea of it makes me cry, good cry but cry nonetheless.
I look forward to the day when there will be no more worry and no more questions and we will see Christ face to face. But I know that even while I am here on earth that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ and his sacrifice for me.
This verse always stands out to me because is exemplifies how much really really are the problem in our relationship with God. We just need to call on him, in honesty and truth. We don’t need to do much of anything but call. So why do we hesitate? Why do we try to walk in our strength? Why do we twist the truth or our reality and are surprised that God doesn’t draw us close in those moments? Our prayer is that we focus on calling out to God and his truth!
I love this song! Remember that God has won the victory over everything: sin, death, everything. When we remember that it is easier to go to God constantly in prayer for every concern and problem in our lives. It also gives us a right perspective of thanksgiving because God didn’t just win the victory but won the victory for us and we benefit in so many ways. Including the ability to be in relationship with God through the death of Jesus Christ.
May you have peace and joy in your heart today in prayer!
Everything in my life right now seems to be about prayer. My church is part of a community, 21 days of fasting and prayer. My scripture writing this month is themed on prayer. So I am taking the hint and focusing more on prayer!
This song is a little different than my norm but it is one of my favorites. If I really want to shut everything out I just crank this up!
I saw this video at church and it made me tear up. In this time of busyness and chaos I need to remember. I need to remember the fact that God came to earth to be born a man and die for us. An act so miraculous that the angels came to worship. Angels who walked with God and had direct access to Him found it so miraculous they had to come out in a multitude to worship. How much more awe should we have? We who have never seen anything truly perfect or good? The angels saw God’s work directly all the time but this, this was special.
Lord Remind Me! Remind me of your goodness and my brokenness. Remind to never take your grace for granted. Remind me.
Have a Worship Wednesday post that you would like to share? Then link up!!!
I know that most don’t view Christmas music as worship music but I do! Think about it, the Son of God is born and you are called to worship. What more is there than that? “To free all those who trusted Him”
And my verse for today is a classic. I remember each one of my kids learning this in Awana. They don’t teach it to children because it is an easy verse but because it is intrinsic to our faith! Romans 5:8 reminds us that God didn’t wait for us to be fixed. He sent Jesus to die for us while we were sinners and through that we come to Him!
This week for Worship Wednesday I wanted to look at 1 Chronicles 16:23:
Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day
This was one of the verses in this month’s copy work that I am doing that is focused on gratitude. The worship song that popped into my head was an oldie but a goodie! Since not all of you may be as old as I am, I found a version of “Shout to the Lord” on Youtube that had lyrics. Now you don’t have any reason to not join in on the worship!
I have recently realized that while I read Bible verses everyday I really needed a midweek worship break! So I have decided to start doing a Worship Wednesday. For me singing out worship helps me to actually close some of my stressful thoughts. I thought maybe you all would like to join me?
I am going to try to pick a verse and a song every week. This week is about joy, gratitude, and sharing!
I am free because of Christ and Christ alone! Because of that I have no choice than to be grateful and draw close to the Lord.