Cheap and Easy Throw Together

So I have found another cheap and easy meal. It has been over 95 for so long, I don’t want to be caught in the kitchen. I wanted to find a way to incorporate ramen noodles since they cook in just 3 minutes and are just 17 cents a package. The reason that the noodles are done so quick is because they are already deep fried. Now a lot of the oil in the noodle is washed away in the boiling water so don’t freak about the oil;).

This is more of a process than a recipe so adapt away!

2 Packages of Ramen Noodles (toss the seasoning)
1/3 stick Butter
2 tsp Garlic
1/4 tsp Chili Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
3/4 tsp Dried Parsley
2 cups Bite sized left over meat (I love leftover BBQ Chicken Thighs)
2 cups Bite Sized left over Veggies (I like leftover BBQ Asparagus and Zucchini)

Boil noodles, drain and remove from heat. Put butter in the pan and heat until melted. Then add seasonings (including garlic) and stir. When you smell the garlic add meat and veggies, cook until warmed through. Then add noodles and stir all together. Chopsticks are great for separating and stirring the ramen noodles. Once all is warm just serve!

Easy Peasy!

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