Chili’s has come up with a new appetizer option! It is the Triple Dipper that you build yourself by choosing from 10 different appetizers! This is the perfect kind of dish because you can choose things that make everyone happy.
I recently got the opportunity to go out with the kids to try this awesome new dish. I chose the potato skins, chipotle-honey shrimp and the sliders!! The sliders were my dinner and then the rest I shared;).
While we were eating we had a conversation about what 3 things that the kids would love to see. Like most kids, they couldn’t just come up with 3. They couldn’t decide between burgers, fries, tortillas chips with guacamole and chocolate ice cream.
You wouldn’t be interested in winning a $20 gift card to Chili’s would you? Well you came to the right place!!! Not only am I giving away a $20 gift card but there are other opportunities to win cards!
Entering is super easy! Just complete the form in order to enter the giveaway (and comment to let me know you did) by June 12th!
You can also earn some extra entries (make sure to leave a comment for each thing)
ShoutOuttoEatOut.com is giving away a $20 gift card every day! But wait! There is more! I am part of the Chili’s Good Things Come In 3′s Linky Rave Giveaway Event that is over at 2Wired2Tired!
(I received a giftcard from Chili’s to participate in this campaign!)
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Filled out the form…yummy giveaway, thanks!