Recently Fresno was graced with the fabulous Clinton Kelly, who came to Macys with Estee Lauder as a sponsor. He was giving fashion advice and talking on adapting fashion trends to different people. I love the fact that we are now getting events like this in Fresno!
I am a huge Clinton Kelly fan! I was a viewer of What Not to Wear before he joined the show and loved it when he became Stacy London’s cohost. I have even watched a fair amount of The Chew (stopped because it isn’t so kid friendly and on during lunch;). So it was very interesting to hear Kelly talking about his time on What Not to Wear. I was left with the impression that he didn’t really enjoy his time all that much. He didn’t seem to be miserable about it but that “it was his job” so he was happy when it was over. He talked about how with The Chew he preps but pretty much an hour of work makes an hour of tv. But on What Not to Wear they would shoot at least an hour for every minute used and that they really did spend a whole week with the subjects so they were happy to see them go at the end of the week.
Clinton Kelly was just as entertaining in this format as he is on tv! He was funny and honest all at the same time;). He talked about how hard it is to get here by plane (oh yeah). Of course the heat was mentioned and it wasn’t even all that hot;). But he hit on a fashion challenge that I have saw here in Fresno for a long time. It is the casualness of Fresno! He was talking about everyone’s shock at him wearing a suit when he was at the airport. I struggle with that here too. If I am actually trying to dress cute I feel so over dressed. And people will comment about how fancy you are dressed, it makes me feel odd…
There was a fashion show covering some of today’s hot trends and a collection of cute dresses. Then Kelly walked through the audience answering questions! I walked away 4 great fashion tips!
1) Which trends should we follow? If you caught it the first time around it may not be for you. The example he gave is older women and the bohemian look. It looks like you just kept all your original 70’s clothes and never changed.
2) Who is that bold lemon color for? It isn’t for people who have a lot of pink in their skin. If that is you, look into the more mustard types of yellow.
3) Cross body bags, giant purses, little purses, what is a girl to choose? When it comes to purse size Kelly says to get a bag that holds all your stuff! But giant bags with skinny, petite girls look like their bag is going to eat them. And if you are large chested avoid the cross body bags as it draws even more attention and not in a good way!
4) What do I do to camouflage the back end in skinny jeans? Kelly says that skinny jeans are for all women of all sizes. But he says if you are self conscious of your butt you should practice divide and conquer. That is where you jacket or shirt falls just to the largest part of your butt and takes away from its size. But he emphasized, if you has a bog or small butt and are comfortable with it you should flaunt it.
I absolutely enjoyed myself at the Clinton Kelly event! If it comes your way you definitely should go! Now if only I could have a few hours of him shopping for me on my budget;).
Disclosure: I was compensated for attending and covering this event. But all thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone!