We all know that I love a good coupon! Coupons can be an integral step in any smart living strategy. A little thought and planning means that you can make coupons work for you with very little effort!!!
Guidelines for good coupon use
* Compare prices! Coupons don’t always make it cheaper, look at the store brand.
* Make sure it is something you will use! A deal is only a deal if you would have bought it anyway!
* Wait for sales but keep an eye on expiration dates on family favs.
* Hold on to coupons for things you might want to try.
* Carry your best coupons with you! You never know when you are going to pop into the grocery store or see something unexpected on clearance.
Sources for Coupons
* Extra Bucks (CVS) & Register Rewards (Walgreens) are post purchase coupons.
* Sunday Paper
* Various Websites Like:
, Store Sites, Manufacturer sites
* Blogs: MoneySavingMom, Saving The Family Money & various others have matchups
Note: Printing coupons & clicking through on freebie offers are a great way to support your favorite bloggers! Also, looking for specific type of coupons? Let me know & I will do a post with them!