Outside my window it is kind of droopy. Rain today or tomorrow.
I am thinking how cute my 2 year old is dancing around in her tutu.
I am thankful for God’s Miracle yesterday!
From the learning rooms I am hoping that my kids can do a little self directed work while I rest!
From the kitchen I have pinto beans in the crockpot and I am going to try my new rice cooker tonight!
I am wearing sweats and a lime green shirt.
I am going to hopefully be up to doing a little shopping tomorrow. I need clearance table cloths!
I am hoping that my older 3 will keep playing nicely together and not start fighting.
I am hearing WordGilr that I turned on for my 2 year old since she couldn’t go play K’nex with the older 3.
Around the house I need to figure out how to organize my 6 year old’s toys.
One of my favorite things is my new big knife I got from NerdDad!
A few plans for the rest of the week: to wrap more gifts for my exchanges this week, will myself into feeling better and go to the big family get together this weekend!