Freezer Friday: No Boil, Ready for the Freezer, Spinach Lasagna

Welcome to the first Freezer Friday. Basically, I am looking for make ahead food that is cooked, frozen, then reheated. Please include freezing and reheating instructions. Come back each and every week for this new feature!

This recipe is a crowd favorite. It makes a huge lasagna that it great for left overs. It is easy and quick.


1 1/2 qt. spaghetti sauce
1 lb. ground beef (cooked)
1 c. water
1 (15 oz.) container Ricotta
1 egg, beaten
16 oz. shredded Mozzarella cheese(divided)
1/3 c. water
3/4 c. Parmesan cheese (divided)
1 tbsp. parsley flakes
Dash nutmeg
Salt & pepper to taste
1 lb. Frozen chopped spinach (thawed and drained)
1 box of lasagna noodles(I usually only use 2/3rds)


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

Mix meat, 1 quart of sauce and water in a saucepan and heat to boiling. In a large bowl mix together Ricotta cheese, beaten egg, 8 oz of Mozzarella cheese, 1/3 cup water, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, parsley flakes, spinach and nutmeg. Add salt and pepper if desired. Rinse your lasagna noodles in hot water. Then prepare to assemble.


In a 9 x 13 pan place a little sauce to cover the bottom. Then place enough noodles to cover (usually 3-4). Then some of your cheese mixture. Then sauce, noodles and cheese again until you have used all your cheese mixture (usually 2 layers of cheese). Then pour extra sauce over the top (since your noodles aren’t boiled, they need plenty of moisture). Then sprinkle 1/2 of parmesan and a generous amount of mozzarella (you may not use all of the remaining 8 oz.) over the top. Make sure you don’t see edges of the noodles poking out to avoid hard edges.

The cover with aluminum foil and bake 40 minutes. Then uncover and bake another 15 minutes. Then remove from the oven and let it sit for 5 -10 minutes.

Freezer Option: After assembled wrap in aluminum foil and freeze. Thaw overnight in fridge and then cook for 50 minutes at 350 degrees, uncover and cook for another 15 minutes and let sit 5-10 minutes.

This is a great make ahead dish! Go enjoy!

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