Here in the NerdFamily we are having fraction issues. The NerdBug and NerdPie basically understand them but haven’t gotten used to using them so there is a constant reminder lesson going on. We are really having challenges in multiplying, dividing, and reducing. So I have decided we need some dedicated fraction time! And why pay for a book when you know there have to be some great resources out there? Here are some of the awesome things I found!
Home School Math has some great worksheets! They have free worksheets that will work on multiplying and dividing factions (and mixed numbers) along with another option that works on reducing! Just scroll part way down the page of worksheet options to find it!
One of my all time favorite sources for fact math sheets, The Math Worksheet Site, also has a generator for reducing fractions.
Dositey has a great Fraction Mystery Game. The kids match the numbers to the clues. Not only is it great fraction practice but problem solving and that will help with algebra in the future.
CoolMath4Kids has a section explaining how to work the fractions. And then at the bottom they have a couple great games!
Hopefully these resources will help your kids either learn fractions for the first time or help them just hone their skills! Remember that education doesn’t have to be expensive!
Awesome! We are about to venture into fractions, and I’m sure we will get some use out of these site. Thanks.
Excellent resources!!!
Thanks for the great links! You’re right, it doesn’t have to be expensive.
I am a few years off from Fractions, but I know I did not like them… Any tips for teaching something you don’t enjoy?