Glee, 80’s Rock, and Kids

I saw the Glee premiere a while ago and loved it. It isn’t kid friendly but it was pretty good. But seeing this video really made me think. We all love this song but would it really be something that we we would want our 14 year olds singing? It seems that 80’s rock, and older music even more so, is protected by this “innocence” because it is old. But do parents, and especially Christians, judge this kind of music with the same kind of filter that they judge currently popular music? I think that genre’s are just more than content and that is a shame. Rap, hip-hop and pop are not inherently evil. But it is what they say that makes it inappropriate. Now I totally admit that I listen to music that I won’t let my kids listen to. But I don’t listen to it in there ear shot and I never lie about listening to it (I am rarely asked). It is the passive listening that seems to bother me the most because it is the thing that isn’t considered.

So do you test the message of the music you expose your kids to? How about what they hear that you are listening to?

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