God’s Grace and His Miracle

My baby girl could have died today or been seriously injured. I am blogging about it because God completely spared her from any harm and I need to share to give Him glory. (This may read a little rambly, I am on pain meds)

For those of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook you already know that we took the crib out of NerdPud’s room on Christmas so we could move the kitchen set into her room. Now she sleeps in her big girl toddler bed. Which also means that she can get up during naptime to play. Since it is all so new we haven’t really stepped in to stop her yet.

Now in her room she also has a large dresser. It is more than 6 feet long and, at most, 4 feet tall. Out of 4 kids, we have had 1 ever start to climb on his dresser so given its shortness (and wideness) we didn’t worry about tethering her dresser to the wall. That could have been a fatal mistake.

So NerdDad put down all the kids for naps/rest time today and came downstairs. We heard them all playing, mostly quietly. Then all of a sudden I hear a large bang. I started sprinting up the stairs and she started to cry. NerdPud had managed to pull the dresser down on her self. I ran in her room to find her body covered with the dresser and her head and shoulders free. It seemed a bit propped up on the end she was at and I just slid her right out without resistance or anything.

The dresser just didn’t fall in that area all the way down. At first we thought it had landed on her bed, but it hadn’t. It may have been supported by the drawer but the dresser wasn’t designed that way. The drawer didn’t actually come out of the dresser so there is no logical way it should have been propped up. It was as if she truly had the hedge of protection around her just like I always pray for.

My baby girl came out of the whole thing without even a scratch!!!! No bruises, no bumps, nothing. As I was carrying her downstairs I asked a couple times if she had an owwie. She kept saying yes and when I asked where she kept saying on her drawers. There is no reason for this but God. I praise Him and thank Him for keeping my baby safe.

0 thoughts on “God’s Grace and His Miracle”

  1. WOW!!! Praise God that she is alright. Thanks for sharing.

    We do not have our kids dressers tethered either. Never thought too much about it.

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