Half My Stove Top

Scary and dirty isn’t it. I often wipe my stove top but rarely really clean it. I have talked before about my paralyzing perfectionism. If I don’t have time to do something perfectly, I have a hard time doing it. So I rarely get around to cleaning things like my stove because who has a few hours to scrub it completely down?

That is why this post is about half of my stove top getting clean. I aimed at getting it all done this morning but after scrubbing on it for over an hour, I had other things I had to get done. I thought that I would just finish this tackle in a few days and then post this next week.

But I thought about life and my kids. I don’t want them to have my problems;). You know what, I want them to get things done one bite at a time. That is the only way life is managed.

So here is my tackle, half of my stove was cleaned! But at least half of my stove is clean;). Next week, I will post the other side.

0 thoughts on “Half My Stove Top”

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