Harry Reid: The Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party

People (especially me) say things in the wrong way all the time! You sincerely apologize and move on. But sometimes your stupid statements reveal what you actually think. And how others deal with the situation reveals a lot about them too. So where am I going with this?

I think everyone has heard about Harry Reid’s stupid statement about Obama from the campaign of calling him light skinned and with “no Negro dialect”. Reid has apologized to President Obama just this last week because it is coming out in a book a couple of guys have written on the campaign and he was trying to get ahead of the curve. (Though it might had been avoided if he hadn’t been the source on the issue in the book.)
Now President Obama has forgiven him and that is great but… There has been some chatter that Reid should resign from his leadership position. But why you ask? When Trent Lott (the former Republican Majority Leader back in the day) made a statement at Strom Thurmond’s 100th birthday party back in 2002 about how it would have been better if Thurmond had been elected president back in 1948, then we wouldn’t have had the problems we were having. As a result many people on both side of the aisle called for him to step to down from his leadership position. This includes both Feinstein and Obama. They said how it wasn’t appropriate to represent the party. But now all is forgiven with Reid in their eyes. Feinstein has even gone so far as to say

“I saw no Democrats jumping out there and condemning Senator Lott.”

Please! Now I think that the Republicans should stop calling for Reid to step down. If the Democrats allow Reid to stay in power I think it will speak loads to the voting public. Reid’s popularity is already in the toilet. So if this is what the Democrats want let it be.

I do have to say that I am amazed how hypocritical the Democratic party is being. Is this really no big deal? I am sure I will be blogging more about this in the future!

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