I can not be the only one.
I can not be the only person who planning on entertaining over the holiday season. And now that it is November I can’t delay any longer, I need to start preparing the house!
When it comes to parties (any time of year) or any holiday events I get a little extra neurotic. Which means a quick tidy is not going to cut it. Even a deep cleaning tends to not be enough, right?
Or am I the only person who rearranges stuff, decorates or may even dust light fixtures for this kind of thing? This year I want to move a couch, organize an office, and clean out the cabinets under the kitchen island. Come on, I can’t be alone… right?
The best way to win any battle (and yes, I view this as a battle;) is a great plan. It will take a little time and thought but I promise that it is worth it!
- I want you to walk through every room of your house. You are going to write down every single little job that needs to be done. And I mean everything!!! Baseboards, dust light fixture, blinds, dusting the chair legs, everything!
- Then you are going to write down the date (or dates) that it needs to be done by. For example, I will only need to relocate a couch once but I will need to wipe down the counters for every event.
- Then think about who in your household is going to be the person to do each job! A great rule of thumb is that the youngest person in the house who is able to do the job gets it. Now this is not between the parents but a rule for the kids. The idea is that if you give the kids all the jobs they can do it will free you up to do what only you can do!
I recommend making a separate list for each room. You can even post it in each room so you don’t have wonder where the lists are. If you are married to a fabulous person (like I am) he can then easily see what he needs to do in that room if he is there and has a minute!
I have created a generic list that you can print off and fill out. I also have started a kitchen list and a bathroom list for you but add all your specific needs too!
And most importantly… Make sure you put a check mark in the done column when you are done! There are very few things that make me happier than checking off lists!!!
A little time now + a little planning = a stress free, easy going holiday season!!!
I thought all those ideas were awesome! I like the idea of writing down everything that needs to be done in each room, and working through the list. I could see that working. I have to admit that I have lazy days and extra busy days where I am happy to leave my cleaning in the hands of a capable cleaning service. But maybe the lists will help me break things down….
I came here through Pinterest. When I saw “game plan” in the title, I thought it would be something like ChoreWars. Have you tried ChoreWars? I LOVE it! It seriously makes housecleaning a game -vs- your friends and/or family or strangers.
This is amazing!! My kids and I really thrive on making lists. They are super helpful to keep us focused! Can’t wait to print out these lists!!
We love lists too! Hopefully, these can bring a little more peace and sanity to your holiday season!