This week I have the privilege of hosting the Kid’s Comedy Carnival. They say that laughter is a natural reliever of stress so I hope you laugh as much at these entries as I did.
First though, this pressing news!! Kim at Life in a Shoe has Another Mystery of Life Solved. This time it is where do all those socks go?
Jennifer over at Suite 101 has a great post on a Graduation Day of Luxury for a very lucky preschool graduate. I think that is a great gift that any child would love! Then as they get older we have to start thinking about careers, don’t we? Supermom over at Snow White, the Seven Dwarves and PDD has the Diva and the Drama. Not only does this little girl has a dream, she has a plan! Then Voni’s Home has Emma’s Escapades where this future chef is putting her ambitions into action now.
Sometimes the best kid’s comedy is observed just by hearing them talk. That is the case in Kitchen Table Theater over at The New Homemaker. Don’t Try This at Home also has a great collection of Things I Heard This Week. Sibling Rivalry is always hilarious as Rebecca at About Absolutely Nothing points out. Sometimes we as moms have to see the humor in what our children say and not take it personally as Rocks in My Dryer points out in the Truth. Sometimes kid’s in their hilarity hit on the truth as was the case at Principled Discovery with “One Head,” in Defense of Clarity in Communication.
This wraps up this weeks carnival! Please read, comment and enjoy! Also if you see any kid (yours or not) doing something funny, please let us know. Go over to Conservative Cat Carnival and submit your post. Then check out next week’s carnival!