Well, for all of our 5 readers who thought that we had abandoned our blog…we haven’t. We have just been very busy having a baby. When thinking about this post Nerdad and I realized we have never really talked about our family. So here is a little introduction. If the nicknames seem to be following anyone’s pattern we are taking a page out of Instapundit’s book;). Our eldest child NerdBug is a 4 year old boy who is full of engery. We then have a beautiful 2 year old girl, NerdPie. Then comes our newest edition who hasn’t really gotten his own nickname, Nerdling(possibly to be renamed in the future;). He was born July 29th, a full 9lbs 1oz, head full of hair(never before seen in this family), and a tooth(just never before seen). And yess you all read right…a tooth. At immediate birth it was just a large white bump on the gums but it completely came through before I left the hospital. He, like our other kids, is completely adorable. We will now be posting at least a little more regularly so check back often!