Lost, You Better Not Make Me Mad

After years of hearing how great it is, NerdDad and I just recently started watching Lost. What can I say, we are early adopters;). We started in the beginning on Hulu (gotta love Hulu). So far we are a few episodes into the 2nd season. We are very aware of the fact that the current season being shown is the last season. Frankly, I love it when a show knows it is the final season because then it gets a chance to answer the many questions that have been left sticking up through the series.

So the fact the series is ending is one of the reasons I was willing to wade into the Lost maze. Then I see a post from I09 that NerdDad shared with me….. I am afraid that when this series ends I will not be happy. Damon Lindelof off sites Star Wars and midichlorians as the example that some things just don’t need to be known. Now I agree with I09 that the problem with the midichlorians is whole other issue. But the Force was explained before them.
But my real problem is that I am now really nervous. I don’t want to watch all these hours of Lost to only have more questions. I already have a list of questions and I am only in the 2nd season! I will be mighty testy if I don’t get my answers!
So all you Losties out there. If all your questions that you have (being in the final season) aren’t answered will you feel like you wasted all this time?

0 thoughts on “Lost, You Better Not Make Me Mad”

  1. I have questions but I find the series so entertaining and imaginative that I don't think I will be too mad. I enjoy it!

  2. We have Seasons 1-5 on DVD. I enjoyed them up until Season 4 and then I just found the show too confusing to follow. So I gave up watching it. My DH is still a fan so he'll presumably get Season 6 when it comes out on DVD. At this point, I don't really care.

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