New World Kids Review and Giveaway

I recently received a copy of New World Kids: The Parents’ Guide to Creative Thinking to review. We all know that it is important to teach our children how to think critically through reading, math and other concrete methods. Well, this book looks at why and how we enable our children (or other children you tech) to think creatively.

I am not the most creative person in the world (heck, even in most rooms) and I wonder where I lost that childhood delight in the creative. I also wonder how to impart that creativity which are so important, in my opinion, in the world our children face. Between new software applications, new media and everything else that will be open for them to create in the new world careers how can I prepare my children for a career of innovation?
This book patiently goes through the many tools that we have to help teach and encourage creatvity. It looks at how we all think creatively when we match our clothes and other normal life activites but also how we can further develop that. This wasn’t just a theoretical book. It gives concrete examples and exercises that you can do with your kids to help them think creatively. I really like that this book isn’t creatively snobby. It values people who like pattern and balance just as much as people who are abstract thinkers.
Overall I think this is going to be a tool that I use frequently with my kids and their educational path. This book is beautiful with its striking graphics and stunning pictures really makes the point. It ties imagination into communicating what would be considered very concrete and critical thinking ideas.
Now after hearing how great it is, how would you like to have your own copy? Well, you could go over to Amazon and buy a copy of New World Kids. Or you could win it!
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How would you like to win some of your own copy of New World Kids?
To enter:

* Just leave me a comment about education and imagination!
* A random winner will be selected and notified on July 16th.
* The winner will then have 3 days to claim their prize.

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