So Sharon Stone is over in Israel and says she “would kiss just about anybody” to end the Israel-Arab conflict. She also goes on in this My Way article,
Noting it was International Women’s Day, Stone suggested that more women become involved in the male-dominated world of Mideast peace talks. Women consider thoughts and feelings more than men, she said.
“I think (men and women) need to be a team. We were meant to be a team,” she said.
You should read the whole article and read it aloud, like a blond;). NerdDad couldn’t help but laugh.
So on to a point. Has she heard of Golda Meir? Women have been involved and that doesn’t magically fix anything. I mean I am pro-estrogen but really. It was just so ridiculous that I had to mention it.
In the spirit of Jewish rap we now move to a dance mix…NerdDad found this for me and it just tickled my soul. There is no true description of this video from a wedding. I am not one for making a fool out of myself but these guys are funny. Now I have to say that I appreciated the short under the kilts(scarves?). I have to also say that I really like this song and it led me to do some research. There are some great download sites for Jewish music but, aye that is a post for another time.
Yes, you read that correctly. I was reading the Sunday Paper(ok, just the front pages of the sections, after all it is only the Fresno Bee) and I saw an article called Rental Chic. So the theory is that you either pay a rental fee for a specific purse or pay a subscription fee. The reasoning is that this way you can have those outrageously priced bags and you aren’t tied to just one. To give you some figures to rent a $475 Gucci bag you can pay $79.90 a month. Now let me in my boring logic point out that you could own that bag in less than 6 months if you just saved the money up. Now the other point is so you are not tied to a specific expensive bag. I would suppose this would be especially useful for those wild trendy bags. Bag, Borrow or Steal was one of the places that offer a subscription service. Their base starts at $19.95 a month and that is Cynthia Rowley and Moshino level bags. The highest level(appropriately called Diva) is $99.95 a month and you can get Hermes and Burberry. The Diva even has an option to pay an additional fee to rent a bag from the Couture Collection. I know that this is appropriate for certain trendsetters but is this just reaffirmation of trying to keep up with the Jones? I do have one friend who I can see contemplating, and perhaps even doing this(I will confirm or deny if you are she if you ask) but I think on the whole this is dangerous. We in society seem to feel this need to get things that are out of our budgets to pretend we are something we are not. Yes, I don’t just get my purses at Target, but often on clearance. What statement am I hoping to make…While I would like to look cute it isn’t my priority. I also am saying that this is how I carry my junk and my kids junk. I am just happy it isn’t a diaper bag. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with having nice things that you pay full price for but…Why is it what defines us? Why is it how we judge one another. How about I never wonder how much your purse is and you don’t judge me for mine?
Wave-Particle Duality is the quantum mechanical term for saying that any given particle (such as the photons mentioned in the article) is also a probability wave, which can travel in multiple directions at once until it is nailed down by an observer (in this case, the computer itself). This means that a single photon is both going through the computer and around it. While it will never appears to do both (the probability wave collapses on observation), it’s not exactly true to say that if the photon is observed to have gone around the computer, it didn’t also go through it as well.
Fun stuff. Later I’ll post why wave-particle duality will always have a special place in my heart.
The NerdFamily is just beginning it homeschool journey. I believe abstractly that homeschooling is the best choice you can make for your children. I also abstractly believe that moms should all stay home. That does not mean I believe that these are the right choices for everyone. I also believe that these choices look different for everyone. I stay home full time but also sell Pampered Chef and am starting a business with NerdDad doing a couple websites. I do not feel that I am abandoning my children. In the same vain, I was in public school and I turned out fine(ok, at least I am not completely nuts;). If my mom would have homeschooled me one of us might not have lived to tell the tale. I say all this to let you know where I am coming from.
This year we are doing preschool with the NerdBug in sorts. I say in sorts because we are not keeping attendance records or anything that formal. FYI, you legally don’t have to begin schooling your child(or have them schooled by others) until they are 6. So as we go through this adventure I will try to journal(or blog) on it. Part of the fun of homeschooling is that you do not really do it alone. I have a few friends at church that also home school their kids. I have also joined a couple Yahoo groups just to keep myself informed and to get recommendations.
In these groups I was alerted to 2 articles, one on CNN and one on BusinessWeek. I guess that we are cooler than we thought. According to the CNN article, homeschooling is the fastest growing sector in the US education system. In Business Week they talk about this movement growing among the intellectual elite and the white collar sector. Homeschooling is no longer seen as a compound living, back woods, extremist Christian way of life. People of all walks of faith and politics now(or at least willing to declare in public) homeschooling. The most conservative estimates put this population at 1.1 million but some say almost 2 million. Even if homeschooling is not your thing, I recommend reading these articles.
Many reasons. Here’s a few. If most college students
could not interpret a table about exercise and blood pressure, understand the arguments of newspaper editorials, compare credit card offers with different interest rates and annual fees or summarize results of a survey about parental involvement in school,
then we can stop teaching our kids at about 9 years old!
They do if you put them in a house that you’re selling. Here’s a short list of home improvements and the value they add to a house at Sound Money Tips.
OK, I admit it I love ballroom. That is even though NerdDad won’t go take lessons with me. I have always loved this kind of stuff. I even watch the competitions on PBS. So you would think that I would be glued to Dancing with the Stars. Well.. you would be partially right. I don’t watch the first few weeks(at least not religiously). I get embarassed for the really bad dancers(can you say Master P). So I started watching pieces a few weeks ago. I am not sure how Jerry Rice beat out Lisa Rinna to begin with. Then we get to the final 3 and Stacy is eliminated? I couldn’t believe it. She is amazing and quite literally “legs up to here” (42 inches according to Parade). I do feel that Drew was a logical choice, so I guess in the end it all worked out;).
Between this, Ballroom Bootcamp(on TLC) and the new movie, Take the Lead, is Ballroom going to resurface. I propose that it has never died. There is an under 13 competition and it goes up from there(though I don’t believe in little kids dancing like that). I think tv is just catching up!