I know that I am not the only person who has seen the Brokeback Mountain trailor and been puzzled. I heard at least one other woman fess up at Bible Study on Tuesday. I have to say looking at the trailor, it looks like it is a sweet romantic hetero tale. Well, to prove looks can be deceiving…I found this psuedo trailor posted on the Corner. Don’t worry Brokeback to the Future seems very G rated for those who are nervous. This just proves that you can present anything in another way to distort intial perceptions.
An addition found by NerdDad(which he found on the Corner), Sleepless in Seattle the thriller….
***Note for the Grammer Police, I realized that I spelled trailer wrong(several times) but do you know how many Google hits I get off of it?
I love how the President said how the Congress didn’t pass his Social Security reform. The Dems fell for the trap and had a standing O. Then he went on to say that the problem isn’t going away. I would hope that the American people would see their joy at obstructing progress. Unfortunately, I don’t think that the group that this would effect is watching the SOTU address. What do you all think?
“Keeping America competitive begins with keeping our economy growing. And our economy grows when Americans have more of their own money to spend, save, and invest. In the last five years, the tax relief you passed has left 880 billion dollars in the hands of American workers, investors, small businesses, and families – and they have used it to help produce more than four years of uninterrupted economic growth. Yet the tax relief is set to expire in the next few years. If we do nothing, American families will face a massive tax increase they do not expect and will not welcome.
Because America needs more than a temporary expansion, we need more than temporary tax relief. I urge the Congress to act responsibly, and make the tax cuts permanent.”
These are the differences that divide us and it couldn’t of been clearer than the split standing ovation.
I was reading about the First Lady’s guests for the SOTU over at Townhall.com and I saw this one:
Jeff Lyng, Student Project Manager, 2005 Solar Decathlon Winning Team (Golden, Colorado) Mr. Lyng, a graduate student at the University of Colorado, led the winning team at the 2005 Solar Decathlon. The Solar Decathlon, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, is a unique educational project for college-level architects and engineers to highlight the importance of clean energy and renewable energy technologies. Eighteen schools competed in the 2005 contest. Each team had three-and-a-half months to raise about $500,000 to design and build an 800-square-foot house that was completely solar-powered. Mr. Lyng, who helped found the University of Colorado Renewable Energy Club, serves on the Board of Directors for the Colorado Alliance for a Sustainable Future. He is pursuing his Masters in Civil Engineering in the Building Systems program at the University of Colorado and will graduate in May 2006.
It just reminded me of the Solar Power Car Team at CSU Fresno. I know that the car has worked(gone a few feet at a time, I rode in it once!) some years but definately not all. I just wonder if the house really works or just doesn’t fall down.
*Note I am not criticizing CSU Fresno, they are not alone. Many of the cars have not actually worked.
I don’t have all the details but Cindy Sheehan has been arrested by Capitol Police pre-SOTU (State of the Union). She had a gallery pass to hea it but I guess she will have to miss it. I will bring more details later….
I was clued in to this AP article by GOP Vixen and am appalled(not so much with the shock). What is more dangerous. Sheehan thinks that she should run? Sheehan thinks she could win? The fact that we have canidate(or possible ones) that consult Hugo Chavez? I don’t support the black list but….I am not a supporter of Communists playing in my political pool. The one shocking thing is that I found someone who would run for that seat that I actually despise more than Feinstein.
I was perusing Michelle Malkin’s blog and I saw that John Kerry is going to support the proposed fillibuster of Alito’s nomination. He is over in Davos, Switzerland calling around to get support. He does realize he lost right? That means Bush gets to pick the next Supreme Court Justice. I believe the role of the Senate is advise and consent. I think the Republican Majority will be forced to pull out the nuclear option if the Democrats declare war through a fillibuster. I don’t really think this will happen, but if Kerry has his way who knows. Oh, there is video over at The Political Teen.
NerdDad came home with the SNL Lazy Sunday Rap and I loved it. It is hilarious and if you missed it, please check it out. (Just click the Narnia Rap on the side) And now there is the West Coast response with Lazy Monday. Check them out and let me know which is your lazy day;). Do we west coasters really go to Color Me Mine? I have never been but I know I am not cool, so how about the rest of you….
It is official. West Wing is in it’s last season. I don’t know if I should mourn or applaud. I do agree with the Quote of the Day over at GOP Vixon that everything was better with Sorkin on ‘shrooms. I have to say that this show has been a mild addiction for me, even in its decline. Maybe it is the political world or my own daydreaming;). I do know in the beginning that it was Sorkin’s witty dialog and interplay, even though it was overwhelmingly liberal, that kept me glued to the show. If only there could be a good Republican version;). Oh, the ecstasy…..
I was checking out Mark Lee’s blog, This Guy Falls Down, and he had this great quiz. It asks a few questions and tells you what decade your personality is living in.