I was putting around the blogosphere reading some of the information on Spielberg’s Munich(blogging on that to follow) and I went to the Jerusalem Post site. I actually clicked on a banner ad for Ushpizin. I know what all my fellow bloggers are saying..”Don’t click on the ads, thats for suckers!”. Normally I would agree but something intrigued me, and it was more than the Hebrew(it was the Post after all). It is only being shown in a few places in the States right now and Fresno isn’t one so I haven’t had a chance to see it. It is set during the week of Succoth. Ushpizin is translated loosely to “blessed guests”. This is about unexpected guests(and somewhat unwanted) who arrive during Succoth. This ties a sweet story to an introduction to Ultra-Orthodox tradition. If you have had an opportunity to see it please let me know how it was!
–A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring.
Ok, you can’t say you weren’t warned. I am all hopped up on asthma inhalers and caffine so I am tired, shakey and jittery;) and I have a variety of things to comment on;). I was reading my Child magazine(One of my many freebie magazine’s) and I saw what, in my humble opinion, is one of the most ridiculous things. It was a maternity leather blazer that cost $458. Now I understand that I am cheap but really. I haven’t been able to justify that much for a normal leather blazer much less in maternity, and I have been pregnant 3 times!
As I am typing I am listening to Pandora’s Music Genome Project. It is cool because you can make customized radio stations based on your musical likes and dislikes. You can create multiple channels which works great for me. I am listening to my Big Band channel that has Michael Buble, Bette Midler, etc. I also have a channel for my Christian Music. The only problem is that you can’t compare lyrics only styles so my Christian rap and alternative pulls up some not so family friendly songs. It won’t pull just pull Christian music. I put in TobyMac(hip hop/rap) I can get Ememin. I don’t want my toddlers listening to that;). That is the only real problem I have found. I can listen to that channel when I am actually working on the computer so I can pass on those.
Well, I will ramble on more later. I should be working on my database for my Pampered Chef customers so I can do a mailing for my Christmas Open House. Jabber at you all later!
From the bio: “William Freemarket Buckley was born on December 25, 1935 in a little town called Bethlehem. He was baptized an Episcopalian on December 28 and admitted to Yale University on the 30th.”
The 77-year-old former general formed Likud in 1973, but many in the party refuse to forgive him for pulling troops and settlers out of the Gaza Strip over the summer.
It’s hard to imagine living in a country where the founding fathers are still politically active.
This demo video of Prince Rupert’s Drop is just plain neat. Of course we stumbled across this on The Corner. Nerds and non-nerds alike enjoy things that explode! Hopefully more blogging will happen soon!
Yet, as some liberal law school professors have come to understand, the Third Amendment is preceded only by the First (Congress shall make no law…) and the Second (right to bare arms during periods of global warming) in numerical order.
As the investigations into Supreme Court nominee John Roberts continue, we’re likely to find more and more allegations like these. At least he never belonged to a group like this (which my one-time membership may preclude me from higher office). I’m still not completely certain how I got into this.
Joan Baez and lots of other Vietnam protesting types seem to be coming out in Texas. I find their attitudes and insights both unique and amazing. I was reading the Buzz on the National Review’s website and I found Baez to not be as inflammetory as I thought she would be but, just as misguided. In this exerpt I find her naive and a little blind….
I then asked Baez what she thinks the U.S. and international community could do to ensure a peaceful transition if and when the U.S. leaves Iraq:
“There’s no way to ensure a peaceful transition. There’s already been so much chaos and unnecessary violence. Much of that has been created by us. But there was already this disgusting level of chaos and violence with Saddam Hussein.”
“We’ve just made ourselves so loathsome that whatever happens I think will be better. We have antagonized the world so much. I mean, I travel a lot. When I’m in places like Italy I memorize the Italian translation and I say, ‘I ask for your forgiveness for what my president is doing to the world. And they stand, they get up and give a standing ovation, because someone finally does get it. That’s how they see it. Granted, that is my public. But that public is pretty broad.”
The nations of the world wouldn’t keep bringing their problems to us if we were so loathsome. We are still viewed as the great rescuers of the world, not that I think that is really our job. I think Baez’s audience is not part of the worldwide mainstream. While everyone may not be thrilled with Iraq they are happy we, and not them, are dealing with it.