Further Proof against the UN

It is probably not a shock to any of my friends that I feel the UN is a waste of money and time. I now have further proof of that and the many reasons I like John Bolton. I was reading the Jerusalem Post (and no I don’t have time to read much else;) and there is an article on PA banners.

The United Nations is embroiled in a dispute with American Jewish organizations over the funding of Palestinian banners in Gaza, and US Ambassador John Bolton on Wednesday protested the “unacceptable” payments.

The dispute centers on the UN Development Program’s payment for materials produced by the Palestinian Authority for Israel’s disengagement from Gaza which include banners saying: “Gaza Today. The West Bank and Jerusalem Tomorrow.”

How is this helping the world or even the region? These are inflamatory and partial actions taken by the UN. And I will be honest, if you are going to be partial I prefer it is toward my side. But frankly, UN dues are paid by all nations and the UN is supposed to be for all. I say the US should pull out of the UN and send me some of my tax money back;).

Oh by the way, I do have other more serious reasons to leave the UN, but more on that later.

It is Never Enough

I was reading the online Jerusalem Post today to catch up with all that is going on in Gaza. I never get time to read it on a consistant basis but that may have something to do with all the rugrats and the newborn;). So I was reading on what is going on with the pullout in Gaza and Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stupidity somehow amazes me. No if it is stupity, piggishness, or naivety I am not sure.

Describing the disengagement plan as historic and significant, Abbas said: “The withdrawal should not be only from the Gaza Strip, but also from the entire West Bank, including Jerusalem. This is an important step for us, but it’s just the beginning.”

I must say that I can’t believe that, while Israel is struggling with its own citizens over this he is asking for more. It reminds me of something I am trying to teach NerdBug. When he gets something he has asked for or a treat, if he asks immediately for more(before he has even enjoyed the first thing, that is wrong. It is rude and makes people not want to give you things. I also don’t know if Abbas thinks hell has frozen or what but, to think Israel is (or should) give up Jerusalem. He can choose the reason he wants for why that won’t happen. A)security, b)The significance in Judaism or C) the tourist dollars that are so important to the Israeli economy. He also should realize that if Sharon gives much more(and it may already be to late) Netenyahu will take over and the Palestinian Authority will get nill.

My rant for tonight, off to feed the Nerdling, again;)!

Long Time No Post

Well, for all of our 5 readers who thought that we had abandoned our blog…we haven’t. We have just been very busy having a baby. When thinking about this post Nerdad and I realized we have never really talked about our family. So here is a little introduction. If the nicknames seem to be following anyone’s pattern we are taking a page out of Instapundit’s book;). Our eldest child NerdBug is a 4 year old boy who is full of engery. We then have a beautiful 2 year old girl, NerdPie. Then comes our newest edition who hasn’t really gotten his own nickname, Nerdling(possibly to be renamed in the future;). He was born July 29th, a full 9lbs 1oz, head full of hair(never before seen in this family), and a tooth(just never before seen). And yess you all read right…a tooth. At immediate birth it was just a large white bump on the gums but it completely came through before I left the hospital. He, like our other kids, is completely adorable. We will now be posting at least a little more regularly so check back often!

Cool hosting deal

I just got a year-long domain hosting at DreamHost for 9 bucks!!

  1. Go To DreamHost
  2. Click on the One-Year Pre-Payment button for the Crazy Domain Insane package
  3. On step 5 of the registration enter 777 into the special promotions box

Get ’em while their hot! The best part is that it supports Ruby on Rails, which is a cool new web framework that I’m just now learning.

Another reason to dislike Scientology

I have found yet anoth enlightening jewel from the corner. This alos explains why the Scientologist always have to recruit from the outside and never grow from within;).

Okay, now I’m on the Cruise Must Be Stopped kick; from today’s Page Six:

Abort-happy folks

THE new religion embraced by former Catholic schoolgirl Katie Holmes — unlike her original faith — actually encourages abortion. As The Post’s Philip Recchia has re ported, the Church of Scientology assigned Tom Cruise’s fiancée a full-time handler, Jessica Rodriguez, 29, who is a member of the sect’s elite corps, the Sea Organization. Like all Sea Org members, Rodriguez is discouraged by the sect from ever giving birth. And if she does get pregnant, chances are she’ll have an abortion. A former high-ranking Sea Org member now tells Recchia: “It is estimated that there have been some 1,500 abortions carried out by women in the Sea Organization since the implementation of a rule in the late ’80s that members could not remain in the organization if they decided to have children. And if members who have been in the Sea Organization for, say, 10 years do decide to have kids, they are dismissed with no more than $1,000” in severance. Our source’s ex-wife was also a Sea Org, and she was pressured by the church into having an abortion.

Katie, come home!

A Pro Nerd Family of Pro Family Nerds.