Come Fill Out Your 2022-2023 California PSA with Me Live!

(first published on Homeschool Hangout)

Come Fill Out Your 2022-2023 California PSA with Me Live!

Is this your first time filling out the California PSA for independent homeschoolers? Have you filed before but have wished you could have someone to ask the random questions you think of? Would you like to have me right beside you as you fill out your PSA for this year? For $10 you can! I have 2 different live streams scheduled. But don’t delay, I am limiting sign-ups to 75 for each one!

$10 must be paid before your registration is complete. Payment can be made by PayPal or Venmo.

I will be publishing a video to talk through the PSA on YouTube and it will be available for free as usual. The perk of the Livestream is live access for any questions that come up. Monday,

October 3, 2022, 7pm

Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 2pm

Now, all my caveats. Is it needed to have anyone walk you through filing your California PSA? No, but people have expressed a desire to have me available! It also provides a little accountability to set aside a time to actually do it;).

What if you are reading this later in the year? I will still have a talk-through of the 2022-2023 PSA available all year over on my YouTube channel, Homeschool Hangout!

A New Site & A Giveaway!

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I have a new site!!!! If you are here only for homeschool material, I have something for you. I have spun off my homeschool material to Now don’t worry, my homschool stuff will still make it over here but more like an aggregator. That means there will be a delay.

To celebrate, I have an awesome giveaway over on HomeschoolHangout so pop over and enter!

A Look at Word Build Online

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Hi guys, it is Jacqueline, and today we are looking at Wordbuild Online by Dynamic Literacy, LLC

Wordbuild Online is a completely online hands-off morphology (the study of the forms of words) curriculum/unit for students who are already reading but need to learn words or prefixes and suffixes and how to build words. I started with Foundations Level 2 for my elementary school kid and I went ahead and did Elements Level 1 for my high schoolers to help make sure they have a firm grasp.

You purchase the units individually (at about $30) and then assign them to the students using the free parent and student accounts you create.  You get to keep each unit for as long as it takes for your student to finish it. Each unit ranges from 25-34  lessons. 

From the parent dashboard, you basically put your student into a class and you will receive emails every time they complete an activity. There aren’t any real details in the email but from the parent dashboard, you can see a lot more. 

I was looking at my 15-year-old’s progress report (in the video) and she was doing Elements Level 1. The guidelines say when you start, regardless of how old you are, if your student is past the  Foundations, possibly like sixth grade and up, then start at the first class of Elements regardless of how advanced your student is. 

Basically, the reporting tells me how long it took them to do each thing, what their score was. and their rating (it looks like four is their highest). If they complete a lesson and you think they didn’t do well enough or don’t have a firm grasp on the material, you can reset it. 

Other than that, I don’t really have to do anything. Looking at the high school class and it says they were learning the affix “ment”. So compla-ment and how it modifies words. For the younger ones, they’re kind of learning some of the other modifiers. Like the first unit in Foundations Level 2, it starts off with how to use “ly”. 

It’s good. It’s fun. There’s a gamification element that kids love. You can allow them to work as fast as they want or tie them down to like one lesson a day. If you’re wanting them to take time and you think they’re just gonna rush and not soak it in. So depending on your student, you can make that decision and you can modify it as you. 

So it’s something fun, but there’s a little “but” here. They ask you to define words as the student, and there isn’t necessarily a super right answer. And when I say that, I mean, I did a test one because my daughter had told me this who’s in high school and I kind of shorted some words and left words out of a definition that would really, you know, affect it. And it didn’t really seem to catch it. It’s more of a rudimentary practice using the definition the kids already know and adding a modifier to the definition. Kind of more of a drill. But not to say it’s not good. You just need to be very clear on what it does. If you’re looking for a definition of the word quickly to build the vocab associated with the word quick, this doesn’t do that. But it does really help them to learn how to modify and build words. If you want to check their choices and definitions, you can do that part by part. But if you are looking at hands-off, it is great too for the morphology.

So final thoughts. This is great. Especially if you have a student you just wanna make sure has a firm foundation and prefixes suffixes, what words mean and how they build together. I think that’s an important concept that not everyone gets. I really like the fact that it is a completely parent-independent online learning situation. If you’re looking for independent activity, it’s fun. They get to take a break from the pencil and paper. Get on the computer. That’s a great aspect of it. So on the whole, I really like it!

Check out some other parents’ thoughts and find their reviews over on the Homeschool Review Crew site!

Are you Barking at the Moon?

Life is hard. I am just going to say it. And if you have been keeping up with me lately, you know that it has been extra crazy busy and a bit complicated for me (nothing bad just different). I needed a break and to laugh, I just needed it. And when I need a good laugh I read an extra special columnist who is absolutely hilarious and happens to be a friend of mine, Tracy Beckerman. Especially when she has a new book out called Barking at the Moon!

This book was sweet, entertaining, and made me laugh out loud. Ok, now you want to know about it, right? This is a sweet telling of a family getting their first dog from the viewpoint of the mom of the house. We go through all the ups and downs, surgeries, house training, doggy dieting, and even getting more pets. But mostly it is about Riley the dog;).

But the fact of this book is written from the viewpoint of mom, who actually happens to be Tracy, is what makes this book so wonderful. She reminds all of us who had a dog as a child that we really had no idea the work and chaos that go into every pet acquisition. And she tells it hilariously! If you have ever read Erma Bombeck, you will wonder why she wasn’t as funny as Tracy is;). (And if you haven’t read Erma Bombeck, you should) Tracy is able to capture all the chaos with all the joy and love that is found in both family and pet life.

Through this book, you won’t only get to know the adorable Riley but also all the characters of the Beckerman household from her husband all the way to the fish! You will feel like you are sitting with your funniest girlfriend (or the kind of person you wish you had a girlfriend) as she regales you with stories from her daily life. Stories that you probably wouldn’t have handled with as much levity as she seems to now (I doubt they were as funny to her then). Like when they had to take their new puppy they were trying to housebreak, along with their fairly young children, to a hotel while the power companies tries to bring your neighborhood back from the powerless olden days.

Seriously, this is a must-read for everyone. It is even on a Kindle Sale over on Amazon right now. And after you read this one, get all of Tracy’s books. You won’t regret it!

A note to my youngest daughter, Nerdpud. Yes, I loved this book. Yes, I wish I could be Tracy when I grow up. No, we are not getting a dog. You are just Barking at the Moon;). But I love you;).

And see how cute they are;)?

House Cleaning Game Plan

I can not be the only one.

I can not be the only person who planning on entertaining over the holiday season. And now that it is November I can’t delay any longer, I need to start preparing the house!

When it comes to parties (any time of year) or any holiday events I get a little extra neurotic. Which means a quick tidy is not going to cut it. Even a deep cleaning tends to not be enough, right?

Or am I the only person who rearranges stuff, decorates or may even dust light fixtures for this kind of thing? This year I want to move a couch, organize an office, and clean out the cabinets under the kitchen island. Come on, I can’t be alone… right?

The best way to win any battle (and yes, I view this as a battle;) is a great plan. It will take a little time and thought but I promise that it is worth it!

  1. I want you to walk through every room of your house. You are going to write down every single little job that needs to be done. And I mean everything!!! Baseboards, dust light fixture, blinds, dusting the chair legs, everything!
  2. Then you are going to write down the date (or dates) that it needs to be done by. For example, I will only need to relocate a couch once but I will need to wipe down the counters for every event.
  3. Then think about who in your household is going to be the person to do each job! A great rule of thumb is that the youngest person in the house who is able to do the job gets it. Now this is not between the parents but a rule for the kids. The idea is that if you give the kids all the jobs they can do it will free you up to do what only you can do!

I recommend making a separate list for each room. You can even post it in each room so you don’t have wonder where the lists are. If you are married to a fabulous person (like I am) he can then easily see what he needs to do in that room if he is there and has a minute!

I have created a generic list that you can print off and fill out. I also have started a kitchen list and a bathroom list for you but add all your specific needs too!

And most importantly… Make sure you put a check mark in the done column when you are done! There are very few things that make me happier than checking off lists!!!

A little time now + a little planning = a stress free, easy going holiday season!!!

My First Time Doing a Week-Long Vlog!

Last week I decided to try vlogging! What do you think? Should I do this again? Should I be including something else in my vlogs? I enjoyed it and hopefully, I would get better at how I shoot too;).

Items I unboxed: Star Passage Sleepy Tie The Bridge to Sharktooth Island EcoLips Candy Cane Lip Balm Charlie and the Half Marathon

Tackling the “Once in a Whiles” Before School Starts


Is it just me or are the “Once in a while” tasks the things you never get to? The things that always hang around in the background haunting you? Maybe that is a bit melodramatic but still. I feel like I never catch up when these tasks hang around. But if I am on a regular schedule (summer and New Year), everything just feels a little calmer in my heart and mind, not to mention my house! So let’s tackle some “once in a whiles”! (Just a disclosure that this post contains affiliate links that help support this site.)

1)Insurance Coverage: Yes, I know this is one of the most boring things but a necessity for life. Is your car and home adequately covered? How about your life? Have you recently bought a bunch of electronics, computers, or jewelry? If so you may have exceeded your home owners policy limits and need to get a little more coverage. Have a new car or driver? I know that seems like a no-brainer but you would be surprised;). But a more likely auto insurance issue: Have you changed your work location or even job? If you are driving less you might be eligible for a discount. And have you checked to see if your job is one of the ones that has a built in discount? You would be surprised. For home and auto we use Bulldog Insurance here in Fresno. Not an ad, we just like them;). When it comes to life insurance… did you have a big life change this year? If you had another child or bought a bigger house you may need extra coverage so get some term life insurance quotes to see what you can afford. 

2)Smoke Detectors: Change all the batteries. Just do it now. It is so much better than your batteries beeping at 3 in the morning and you have to go find new batteries. Not that it has ever happened to me, many times. And if you need a new smoke detector now is the time to get it! If you are like me, if I put it off I will forget. If you are ordering one, get one that is a combination smoke and carbon monoxide detector so you can cross both off your list. 

3)Air Filter Vents & Ceiling Corners and Cornices: You should actually change your air filters every month but most don’t get around to it.  You also can vacuum them to help keep the filter cleaner. I don’t do it very often because I can’t reach. While you are vacuuming those air filter vents make sure you get the corners of your ceilings where the ceiling meets the walls. Even if you don’t have spider webs! That is how you prevent the spider webs;). 

4)Coffee Pot:  Coffee makes a homeschool mom go. So start the school year right with a clean coffee pot. Run a pot of vinegar through it. Then run multiple pots of water through it so to get rid of the vinegar taste. Remember that the vinegar smell tends to hang around longer than the taste.

5)Light fixtures and Lamps: It is time to give those dead bugs in your light fixtures an honorable burial. Come on, you know that they are there and that their little bodies drive you mad.  Vacuum to the rescue!

6)Makeup: We all have that tube of lipstick that we wear 2 times a year. We all do and don’t feel guilty for that. But that tube is 10 years old and smells funky, you gotta toss it. Makeup has a shelf life and we all tend to have a few bits that have expired. Mascara is one that is often over looked. It is probably that most important to toss. If it has been open for 6 months it is time to part company. Otherwise, you risk infection and for some of us, it means we can’t wear contacts if we get an infection. For the rest of your makeup just give it a look. Is it the same consistency? The same smell it arrived with? Does it still perform well? If any of the answers are no the trash can has a new friend! 

That is it! 6 things that only need to be done once in a while but make a huge difference! Out of curiosity,  which one of these tasks is your nemesis? Mine is the coffee pot, I always forget it until it is super needed!

This is part of my 10 Days to a Better School Year Series! Go check it out!

CHEFA, A Local Homeschool Look!

Today I’m going to be talking about CHEFA, or Christian Home Educators of the Fresno Area. This was filmed in the last Academic Year, so prices have changed. If you like this kind of localized video talking about different groups in different areas? Do me a favor and leave me a comment so I know to seek out more of this information.

So I’m in Fresno, and full disclosure, I’m an active part of this group and I’m on the Board. When I was first starting to homeschool it was kind of hard to find out what all the interesting activities and things were in my area for homeschoolers, so that’s why I am talking today about CHEFA.

CHEFA is a Christian support group for private homeschoolers in the State of California who are in the Fresno area. What does that mean? It means we do not educate your children. We are not a school and we are not a co-op. What that means, co-ops tend to have one day a week where everyone gets together and everyone takes turns teaching. Someone’s running this group and we’re going to educate your kids either in core subjects or not core subjects but it’s usually planned out for the year. School obviously, we’re educating your children.

But CHEFA is a support group. We cover families so you buy a family membership and list which of your children are being homeschooled. Only the parents and children who are being independently homeschooled in California are going to be covered. Specifically, any children in the family that is in charter or traditional public grade school will not be included in the membership. Family membership for new members is $55 a year. Once you are a member you will have opportunities to renew at a discounted price for future years.

Now different support groups have different levels of activities and different areas that they cover. For us, we do a variety of things but we are a volunteer-led group. We may have classes, we may not have classes. We tend to do a Sports Saturday program that is similar to intermural sports, meaning it is casual, and whoever can make it joins. It looks a little different every year depending on who’s running it That is one of the joys of a volunteer organization Sports Saturday is a huge reason we joined when the kids were younger. It is included for free in your membership and that is cheaper than any other single sport, much less a year’s worth. Any activity that doesn’t have a cost is usually free to members, like sports, but some activities cost to cover the expense (think supplies, rentals, etc).

All it takes to run most activities is to have 2 non-related parents want to organize it. So if you want a painting day, park day, or a field trip it can be done. That is also when you figure out how much a participant needs to pay to join that specific thing.

Another big pull for membership is when your kids get into high school and junior high. We have something called CHEFA Youth and we have different activities that are aimed at that age group. There are often game nights, contra dances, Christmas parties, and a lot more. This is actually a reason that some charter school parents make a point to pull their kids out in 7th-12th grades. It is a great social group for your students to bond with!

Another huge reason people join the senior year experience. The senior year for any homeschooler is always just a little different than if your kids went to public school. So what we have is a senior leadership team of students and they plan fundraisers and activities all year. They have a senior Bible study, fundraise for their activities (including traditional graduation), and even have senior class clothing! There is often (when covid isn’t an issue;) a senior trip and sometimes other trips that get organized. The graduation is always gorgeous and gives the students to put on a cap and gown with their friends and family. It includes speeches and musical performances, you will never miss out on the traditional experience with graduation.

CHEFA is a great group and if you are in the Fresno area looking for a way to meet people and have great experiences with your kids then you much check us out. There is a new member meeting you would have to attend but that is it! (Secret, I am currently leading most of the new member meetings;)

If you have a local-to-you group and you would like me to make a video about them, please let me know. We’ll talk about it and see if it fits in (it probably will).

A Pro Nerd Family of Pro Family Nerds.