(This is a guest post from KarmaKaze7)
i dreamed i had insomnia. how silly, (and exhausting is that?)
i had gone to bed late, the time changed and i dreamed i had insomnia.
the bout had been upsetting/exciting/frustrating/exhausting. i was upset about something silly. and my nightmares(?) proved it.
but it was a new day. i had the best of intentions…

i took care of the necessities (cat box, trash and laundry) remembering that there was a scrimmage tonight. i thought it was at 6.
the scrimmage organizing took a little more time than i had planned, and i was getting a little frustrated. i kept looking at my list wishing i had more checked off. i finally decided that in order to give everyone plenty of advance notice to cancel it at 4. (it was supposed to be at 7) i only had 2 confirmed yes…
checked several more off my list and was feeling pretty good. so i decided to make the casserole i had bought all the ingredients for and they were just sitting in my refrigerator.
back story:
i had gotten an email earlier in the week about the lunch on sunday being chicken divan. which included a recipe. it looked easy enough, but the recipe was a little vague. there was no measurement. and it called for cheese, but it didn’t mention what kind. i did my best at the market gathering what i thought i needed. (ok, i went to the store 3 times because i kept forgetting the soup)
ok back to the adventure:
turns out i gad gotten the wrong cheese and the recipe i got online require way to little cheese i decided to improvise. i figured since the recipe i had gotten intended for that. things went well, the chicken smelled nice.. broccoli was steaming.

i had most of the things on my list taken care of

until i heard a crack…

i found a solid piece of glass…
i’m not ashamed

guess i’m mopping the floor now
KarmaKaze7 is a skater for NoTown Roller Derby. She is a lover of all things cheese and bacon.