The Broken Slipper: a Tale of Repair

Cinderella's broken slipper

So the NerdPie’s dress up shoes came apart. She just got them handed down to her from her sister and was so excited!!! But within 1 week one of the shoes came apart. She was so pathetic as she brought it to me in 2 pieces. I had to convince her that she couldn’t just walk around in 1;).

The Inner Workings

Upon examination I saw that the structure was a peg and hole construction. With the right glue this would fix right up!

Everything We Need!


So after a trip to Walmart I was ready to go! I got the gel super glue because it is a little easier to control and comes out a touch slower. Less likely to glue your fingers together that way!


So I just squeezed a little glue into each hole. Then I waited about 10 seconds for the glue to set just a bit before hooking the 2 pieces together. If you let the glue get a little tacky it is less like to squeeze all out as soon as you apply pressure (throw back to my bridge building days;).

After the gluing you need to apply pressure and allow it to set for 12-24 hours. Who needs clamps or grips when you have rubber bands? They are free so I am a happy camper;). I just set it all aside to cure. and then…..

Princess got her shoes back!

It is that easy!
(This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. While they inspired the subject, everything is mine!)

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