I was blessed to get to guest on #theonlinemom twitter party tonight! So if you are here from that welcome!
I just wanted to post some links that I spoke about during the chat!
Frugal Homeschooler is a wealth of resources and lives over on NerdFamily Things! I have a variety of groupings for lessons on things like fractions, grammar, St. Patrick’s Day and even a unit on Peeps!
And here is a collection from here on the NerdFamily Blog!
- How We Got Started Homeschooling
- How to Start Homeschooling in California
- Education Styles
- Charter Schooling: A Better Homeschool?
- Are You Striving for Merely Average?
- Starting to Homeschool: Academics
- Yet Another Reason We Homeschool
- Things I Learned Homeschooling