When They Grow Up

So last night we were watching a tivo’ed Jeopardy during dinner. It was an episode from their Kids Week and as they were introducing the children the announcer said what each one wanted to be. NerdBug said he didn’t know what he wants to be when he grow up. I did the good nerdy mom thing and suggested that he become an engineer;). Then my Nerdling (who will be five) piped up. He said he knew exactly what he wanted to do when he got older. He wants to stay home and be with Mommy all day. Well, of course that didn’t go over to well with NerdDad or myself. We informed him that he would have to get a job and move out.

Then NerdPie pipes up and says that Nerdling can’t hang out with me all day when he grows up because I will be busy. She says that I am going back to school when they grow up. I said that we would see what God has for me and maybe I would just be a happy grandma and help them out with their kids. She then exclaims, “You already are a happy grandma!” Whoa! What did I miss? Then she says that I am grandma to all her dolls. Nerdling then included his stuffed animals. Crazy kids;).

Oh, we found why Nerdling thought he could hang out with me as a grown up. We later were finishing an episode of Wipeout. One of the contestants was a stay at home dad. Nerdling thought that he stayed home with his mom for his job. Once again, Crazy Kids;).

0 thoughts on “When They Grow Up”

  1. My eldest has recently shifted from wanting to be a teacher to being a doctor. I blame my recent return to Firefly via Netflix. She’s rather obsessed with Simon and asking for explanations of all he does.

  2. My eldest has recently shifted from wanting to be a teacher to being a doctor. I blame my recent return to Firefly via Netflix. She’s rather obsessed with Simon and asking for explanations of all he does.

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