I absolutely love the holidays. I love the time with family and the food and the activities and and and…. I need a break. What better break is there than the movies? There are always great holiday releases and of course this year we have Star Wars!
Have you got your tickets yet?
Even if you want to avoid the Star Wars crowd this weekend, the movies are a fun and relaxing holiday tradition. What can be more relaxing than winning movie ticket codes? This will be the perfect treat for you or someone you love after Christmas!
Fandango has given me 3 movie ticket codes good for any movie to share with 1 reader! So check out the Rafflecopter to enter! And pop over to Fandango to buy some movie tickets;).
(Disclosure: Fandango provided the prize and I have affiliate links. But all thoughts and opinions are mine!)
I go to the cinema every Christmas Eve during the day with my family; this is my favorite thing about the holidays.
Spending time with family and watching the magic of Christmas through my son’s eyes.
I love the holiday baking.
My favorite thing about the holiday is watching the children experience Christmas for the first time. The Awww Moments they have when they are so excited is so special to watch. Another thing about Christmas that I enjoy is seeing Family.
Love the special time with family for things like crafts, baking, and game time.
It’s a Christmas tradition for us and our extended family to go to the movies together at some point over the holidays. Prevents Cabin Fever!!!
I like spending extra time with family.
How fun! This would be the perfect excuse to find a sitter for the baby and go to the movies with my husband & 6 year old. Trying to remember the last time I got to see a movie in the theater! My favorite part of the holidays is time with family. I love getting time with my siblings.
My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to spend so much time with the kids and my husband off work.
I love the extra family time while the kids are off school!
My favorite thing about the holidays is that it is soon over.
My favorite thing about the holidays is just having the whole family all under one roof together.
My favorite thing about the holidays is all the pretty lights that go up!
Time off from work!!! (To relax with my family :-))
My favorite part of the holidays is family! So much extra family time, relaxed schedules, joy & happiness.
My favorite thing about the holidays is no homework and getting to spend time together just having fun!
My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with family that I don’t see often.
My favorite is family time with no interruptions!
I love the Christmas music, and the decorations and lights.
spending extra time with family.
The time off of work! I teach high school so the week off is amazing!
I like getting time off from work
spending time with my family and seeing other family members who live far away
Spending time with family
My favorite thing is seeing family and spending time catching up on the whole year.
I love to look at Christmas lights around my city and listen to Christmas carols with my family.
Baking cookies!!
I like that I’m off from work.
Being with family and friends
My favorite thing about the holidays is the pretty decorations
I love seeing my daughter’s excitement over everything!
Relaxing at home with the family
I love spending time with family and friends.
I love being able to spend time with family
I love spending time with family and friends.
Great food, great get together, and great friends.
I love spending time with my family, baking and giving presents.
I love the decorations. It’s one of my favorite things of the season. It’s just so cool and amazing how people can decorate and it shows their personality through the decorations. You can see the effort and enjoyment from it.
My favorite thing about the holidays is slowing down and spending time with my family.
I like the holiday movies, music and decorations.
My favorite thing about the holidays is cooking for my entire family and doing our traditions that we have every year! Thank you for this giveaway.
I love everything about the holidays! I’m a teacher, so having my little Winter Break means that I get to see my family more.
Spending time with the kids
Getting to see family I only see once a year.
We love spending time with our family.
Christmas is here!!!
I love the yummy holiday food,the music and laughing and talking to my family.
Watching our kids opening their gifts and the time we get to spend with them
The decorations.
I like all the get togethers with family and friends.
I love traveling with my family to celebrate in warmth.
Special moments with the family
The chaos on Christmas morning when the kids are jumping on the bed and wanting to open gifts!
The family time, like hiking with the kids and dogs
My favorite things about the holidays include the great holiday food and enjoying cheesy holiday Hallmark-type movies with my family.
Spending time with family that we don’t normally get to see is my favorite thing!
I love spending more time with my family!
I love the family time
I love spending time with my family! Christmas morning is just the best;seeing the glee on faces from Santa’s surprises priceless. This year has been great! We got a babysitter and had our first date in a long time. Lunch and the matinee 3D showing of Star Wars VII seemed like a vacation.
I love spending time with friends and family.
Spending time with family
I love the decorations and lights.
i like being with the family. its rare when we are all off and able to spend the entire day together.
I love seeing my family!!
Spending time with my family
My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with family.
The food and spending time with family
My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with family.
Egg nog!!
Taking my son to see Christmas lights, and all the yummy food and treats!
Spending time with my loved ones!
Spending time with family
I Love eating way too much food!
Spending time with family of course!
All the pretty Christmas Lights is my favorite part about Christmas.
i love the lights in the neighborhood! thanks so much for the chances to win.