These are the tickets I won for tonight’s concert. We didn’t get to use them. We also had matching tickets to the fair, which we used. It was raining so hard they called off the concert. But they didn’t call it off until NerdDad and I had been at the fair for a few hours, in the flooding rain;). That is the $3 ring I picked up in the gem and mineral display. After the concert was called off we went to dinner and saw Surrogates in the theater (which we rarely ever do).
I will keep both of these forever but not really for all the fun (though I had fun;). But to remind how wonderful my husband is. My husband doesn’t really care for either fairs nor concerts. And that is in the best of weather;). But he went with me because he loves me. He also got soaked because he loves me;). And walked around for a couple of hours because he loves me.
I love him too!