Thank you to Ubisoft for providing me with a copy of Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012 and sponsoring this fitness diary series. Please click here to learn more about Ubisoft. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions are my own.
Week two and I haven’t missed a day yet!
- This week, I’m definitely noticing that the workouts are getting easier and that I have more stamina.
- I’m used to muscle aches being due to a one-time event, like helping someone move. After a couple days, they would go away and I’m back to “normal”. Now the aches I’m feeling mean I’m stretching myself and I’ll be better than “normal” when they go away.
- I’m pro-rut. That is, I like to do get in a habit (some good, some bad). I so surprised that I’m now in the habit of exercising every morning. I’m actually wondering what it will feel like the first day that I don’t get up and work out.
- I’m feeling it in my ankles. It’s a little weird, but I guess my ankles need strengthening also.
- There are targeted exercise routines for different parts of the body, so you can focus on your arms or your abs, etc. Since I’m on the “shape up” program, I’ve been trying out a little of all of them (except the one listed as “sports preparation”, that one seems a little too intense for me.)
- The loading times between exercises is easier to handle now that I’m not just doing the two-minute starter ones. I don’t mind a little break.

When I first started it had me select an objective, and I said I wanted to “shape up and slim down”. It then set a goal for 360 minutes of exercise (30 minutes a day, 3 days a week, for 4 weeks). But at the end of last week, I was only at 6% done. I figured out my problem. As part of its plan for me, it wants me to choose from a set of specific activities. Unfortunately for me, that set doesn’t include a lot of the very basic easy ones. Now that I’m ready to move from light to medium exercise, I’m doing more from the “shape up” set and am now up to 22% done meeting my objective. I’m planning on hitting 100% before the end of the year. It’s also showing me as burning almost 600 calories so far, but most of those were this week as well.
Wow the graphics look amazing. I like the fact that the game sets a goal for you. I need that accountability.
I need this game too! I went to the gym and was talking with my neighbor and almost rolled off the treadmill…seriously! lol If I do this at home at least it will be in the privacy of my own home!
does the week start on sunday for the game or on monday. the acheivements that show a certain number of things to occur during a four week window are confusing me as I play often on Sundays. I have no idea which week I am in.